Beautiful, isn’t it? Wow. Just take a look. Amazing. Continue reading A decade of cheese sticks and beer fixed in a couple weeks
Tag: weight
Going home today
The doctor came by and said I’m cleared to leave after lunch!
I’m feeling alright. My abs feel like I’ve been doing crunches all day (and yesterday (and the day before) )
The chicken broth here is delicious. Seriously.
This morning for breakfast I had beef broth and orange jello. I was so excited to try the beef broth that I ate too quickly. So now I have that thanksgiving stuffed feeling. From 1/2 cup of broth and a couple spoonfuls of jello.
Anyhow, can’t wait to get home.
Check-In Time
My surgery is tomorrow. My check-in time is 8:30am.
The early check-in is welcome; since I can’t eat after midnight (doctor’s orders — I’ll turn into a gremlin). The sooner I am into surgery the less time i’ll spend being hungry.
Sorry to be morose, but there is a tiny sliver of a chance that I’ll die during the surgery. So, just to rub it in, here’s a list of the titles of upcoming posts you’ll miss out on:
- In which I tell you how to ginsu your guts
- Suddenly, everyone is a dietitian and personal trainer
- No, you go fuck yourself, Guy Behind the Counter at Krispy Kreme
- My family loves me
- Some books to read
The 8:30 check-in gives us enough time to get all the kids off to school, assuming it isn’t cancelled. For the historians visiting from the future, there’s a winter storm going on right now so it’s possible that school will be cancelled tomorrow. If so, that’ll suck for my lovely wife who will have to deal with all the kids while I’m relaxing in bed and high as a kite on drugs.
Still doesn’t seem real.
Quick update on my weight
Nuts and Bolts
They replace your stomach with nuts and bolts. End of post!
My Weight Loss Surgery
On January 6th 2015 I will undergo bariatric surgery.
A portion of my stomach will be removed, the rest formed into a new smaller stomach.
I will then rapidly lose between 80 – 120 pounds, eventually settling close to my goal weight of 180 pounds.
I will then live a long and healthy life; for me, but more importantly for my wife and children.